I closed the door to his room and cursed his teacher for even bringing this up because even though the Mayan calendar supposedly ended on the winter solstice that year, it doesn’t mean the world would end. It just meant that the new cycle will start over from the last long count which ends in 2012. The teacher might be dealing with his own anxiety about that date, maybe he saw the movie 2012 about the end of the world and took it for the truth, but he didn’t need to inflict it on a bunch of little kids who only wanted to get pointers on doing solid side-kicks. I could imagine the other parents dealing with the same issues with their kids and trying the best they could to reassure them that everything would be alright. I also wondered how many phone calls Master Bryant would be getting the next day from Moms and Dads who had their 9 year olds crawling into bed with them in the middle of the night because they wanted to be close to their parents when the end came. Needless to say for a variety of reasons, we eventually pulled Daniel out of that karate school.
reminded me of when I was a kid and there were shows like In Search Of with Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock from Star Trek) where I learned about the
prophecies of Nostradamus which have not always been on the money in the
divination department. Many times people
would fit the vagueness of his prophecies to things that had already happened
or were so obvious that they were going to happen that they were retroactively
clairvoyant. For instance, he predicted the
world would end in 1999 and of course it didn’t. Than the prediction was revised to 9/11/2001
which would make you realize that a prediction that is two years too late about
two towers rather than the end of the world is probably not worth the paper
it’s written on - but then his supporters will still try to find a way to
believe no matter how far-fetched it is.
To paraphrase Dr. Seuss,
apparently a prophet is a prophet, no matter how small (or wrong).

scariest event that I could remember for the end of the world as we knew it was
during the panic of Y2K or the year 2000.
For years, there were Y2K experts who worked on ways to avoid disaster
and keep planes from falling out of the sky because the computers would be
confused and would think it was the year 1900.
The reason people were so freaked
was because in the 1960’s, the programmers abbreviated dates from 01/01/1964 to
01/01/64 to compress data and save massive amounts of limited memory. So fast forward to 1999, there was literally
world-wide panic when the new year would turn to the year 2000, the computers
would think it was 1900 and stop working.
There were survivalists who had basements filled with bottled water, guns,
ammo and canned tuna. Everyone dreaded New Year’s 2000 because it
might mean the end of life as we knew it.
We would have to live like the Amish without computers and cell
phones. In that scenario, the world
would lose its technological advances and the grid would go dark. There were TV shows starting in 1995 about how
those brave nerdy programmers were trying to avoid a meltdown. All of the year leading up to Y2K, that was
all you heard and your sure didn’t want to party like it was 1999. I remember sitting with Max on the couch at
11:45 p.m. on December 31st wondering if life as we knew it would
change forever and like the show Revolution
anarchy would rein except for the brutal and hot militia guys who would suck
the fun out of everything. But as
midnight hit in capital city after capital city around the world nothing
untoward seemed to be happening - it looked we had dodged a major technological
bullet. The next day was like any other
day, but with far less tension and fear.
The world had not ended, your money had not disappeared into a technological
void and the lights were still on. I
remember taking three year old Amber to the park and enjoying the sun on my
face and the shade of the trees which ironically would have still have been the
same even if the lights had gone out.
So even
after life went on, there were news reports on how disappointed some people
were that the world was still as it always was.
There were not thousands of deaths due to airplanes dropping out of the
sky. There were not marauding hoards of
unwashed masses looting groceries stores.
The good citizens of those metropolises did not have to be saved by the valiant
members of the NRA who had guns which made them way more prepared then the
liberals who would just use their ability to use a thoughtful quip to stop the
ignorant in their tracks. Probably the worst
thing to come out of Y2K was those people who had invested thousands in
K-rations to survive were now stuck with hundreds of pouches of chipped beef on
toast which I would imagine would be enough to make anyone really
always been surprised that time after time when those dooms day predictions did
not come true that there were people who were extremely devastated that the
world was still around to see another day.
Harold Camping’s believers had to literally do some real soul searching
to figure out why they were so duped and why they followed a false
prophet. Why would you be cheering for the
world to end and have billions of people die?
What is going on in your own sense of reality that the end of all you
know is a good thing? I was sitting across
from Max at the kitchen table and asked him that very question. He very wisely stated that as much as we like
to think we know what tomorrow will bring – we just don’t. We like to think we can control things and
but that’s a façade. So some people are really going to click into
the idea that the end of the world is a certain day because it gives them a sense
of control – in a weird way it makes them feel better. I sat back and thought, “Damn, my man is
I guess
that’s why shows like The Walking Dead
and the aforementioned Revolution are so popular. It’s feeding into the collective
dread of December 21st and asking us how we would survive if
everything we ever knew what yanked from us in a very short period of time. In The Walking
Dead world, you have to fend off flesh eating zombies day after day along
with trying to maintain a sense of order.
Life has a whole new meaning when there are the living and the “walkers”
who wonder aimlessly looking for living flesh to eat. When the world is full of the undead and you’re
fighting like hell not to be one of them, the little things like the size of
your bank account don’t seem that important.
Revolution asks us to contemplate
what we would do to survive if the lights went out and there was no energy
anywhere to keep your life as you knew it the way it was. There would be no grocery stores, no ATMS -
it would be Amish time! Max and I
experienced our own little revolution when Hurricane Andrew hit Miami in 1992 and
we were without electricity for a week.
There was no phones, no internet, no newspapers and you could not drive
around easily because of all of the debris in the streets. It was hard to know what was going on. You had radios but you had to conserve
batteries so the information you got was limited. I can
definitely understand how the people who continue to experience the aftermath
of Hurricane Sandy feel. Like Homestead,
Florida after Andrew, it will take months and years to come back after a
disaster of that magnitude but people will because that’s what people do. Those
disasters end up defining you way better than a zombie invasion ever
could. You come back stronger and all
the stupid stuff you used to worry about just falls away because in the end it’s
just not as important any more.
having to worry about tomorrow might be comforting for some who are actually
looking forward to the end of time as we know it, but when the sun still comes
up tomorrow, then what? Ten percent of
the world’s population believes that December 21st is the end of the
world. Maybe they are out there running
up their credit cards, having those awesome dinners at expensive restaurants as
their last meals because 2013 will never come.
There will be the stays at hotels they can’t afford on credit cards they
just got as a last fling before the end.
When day break hits on December 22nd, they will feel a little
relived and then realize the massive cluster cuss they’ve gotten themselves
into because the world did not end, life goes on and those new massive bills will
still need to be paid.
the best end of the world prediction I’ve read is in the year 2034 from the “Church
of Blair (a church with its tongue firmly in cheek – don’t ask which one) in
which they predict that aliens who look like rainbow colored lemurs will land
and wipe out mankind by bludgeoning us to death with giant burritos. I’m actually pulling for that one because I
think it’s so absurd, I would probably die laughing before they can get to me.

One of the
great paradoxes in life if that you have to live life fully like there’s no
tomorrow but still need to have some type of plan in place for the future. If today was your last day, would you have
helped the people you were supposed to and told them how much you loved
them? December 21st could be
figurative for changing the way you used to do things so that point in your life
can literally come to an end. It can be a
time to make your life over to be what you want it to be so at the end you can
be proud of what you’ve accomplished with no regrets. So for
those who have not been saving up for retirement because you were pretty sure
your days were numbered, I have some good news and bad news. The good news is that you’re going to be
here awhile, and the bad news is that you’re going to be here awhile – what you
decide to do with that blessed time is totally up to you. Trust me, it’s not the end of the world.