I thought about those times as tears rolled down my face as Max and I talked and I was taken aback by the emotion that I was feeling. Yes, I had considered that Jesus had a wife and I knew of Gnostic texts that talked about that. In September 2012, there was even the recent discovery of an Ancient Greek text in which Jesus is quoted as mentioning his wife, Mary. That honestly was not what was upsetting me. It was that after about the age of nine, Jesus became for me someone to fear more than someone to love - that realization at age 49 really made me very, very sad. I had told a someone, I really don't remember who, about my dreams of Jesus and how he would comfort me when I was upset at night. I was told that if you dreamt of Jesus and there was light behind him, it meant that you were going to die and that Jesus was taking you up to heaven where you would never see your parents or family again, until they died and went up to heaven too. I loved my family and didn't want to leave them. Why would my friend Jesus take me away from them? This was also around the time when as a nine year old, you learned more about the gory details of Jesus' death, the suffering, the crown of thorns, the spear to the side and the stations of the cross. My friend who I envisioned with light brown hair and blue eyes with flowing robes, was being tortured for standing up for what he believed in. This poor man on the cross was the guy that I ran to for help and he helped me without thinking of himself. He'd smile at me and I felt better. Instead of his angelic face, I finally noticed him with the crown of thorns, bloodied with nails in his hands and feet. My friend was a victim of evil people who didn't understand him, who didn't believe in him. He didn't have the power to stop it when he was alive and my nine year old brain couldn't comprehend why God, his father allowed such a thing. He felt abandoned at the hour of his death after all he had done for mankind which is one of the most basic human fears. My heart broke for him, but worse, I just couldn't feel close to him anymore, it hurt too much. I guess I could have asked him about it and not felt so guilty but I could not shake the new images of him suffering enough to ask. The dynamic changed and I was afraid of him.

It was at this time I turned to God and his angels who were more amorphous and open to interpretation. You had the stories in the bible of God's voice and the picture of him on the Sistine Chapel, but he didn't have the human qualities that could make you feel bad for him, after all, he's God. He is omnipotent. His angels are his emissaries and they can appear in human or angelic form. I was not aware of their suffering so they seemed to be entities that I could ask for help without the guilt. Jesus had been hurt so much by humans and who was I to ask him for anything especially something as seemingly small as helping me feel less alone, but my God - that's what he does - that's what he excels at and I just turned my back on that because I was afraid. Why did I believe that seeing Jesus in my dreams was a bad thing? I guess when you're nine, you don't reason those things out too well. You run from trouble and things that make you feel uncomfortable and sad, and sadly for me at that time, it was Jesus.
When I met Max, he had long hair and tattoos. I felt an instant chemistry with him that I had not felt with any of my previous boyfriends. He was sweet and kind and I knew after a few months of dating that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. While we were still dating, he grew a beard for a part in a children's production of A Midsummer's Night Dream. I don't think it really occurred to me that he had a savior quality about him until we were out and a little boy saw him, ran up and said, "Hi there, Jesus!! Hey Mom, look it's Jesus at the mall. He is everywhere!" Max smiled sweetly and said hello while a mortified mother wisked her well meaning child away. It was nice to see that childlike belief, one that I used to have when Jesus was someone I ran too instead of away from. But I never saw that connection - Max with beard was still Max. I had met him clean shaven, so I was not trying to work out any weird hang-ups. He looked more like Kenneth Branagh with a beard then the Son of God.

So now here I was in the year 2013, contemplating my failed relationship with Jesus. I sat at the kitchen table with all these suppressed feelings coming to the surface - how much I missed my friend, who became a savior who then became a victim of human nature. To this day, I have a heard time going to church and looking at the altar and seeing him outstretched in the cross, looking down, sad, broken and bloodied. I know that we have to remember that he died for our sins, but I also want to remember the guy who made the loaves and fishes feed thousands of people, the man who John the Baptist baptized. The man who could walk on water. The man who was bad ass enough to throw the money lenders out of the temple. The man who wanted to make the world a better place. It took a few days for me to realize that maybe while I didn't turn to him for help, he was guiding my life in ways I didn't realize. I've worked in non-profits for most of my adult life, with children who have been abused, abandoned and neglected. I've worked in global health to help women have healthy babies or to educate people on how to stop AIDS in developing countries. Now I work with adults with developmental disabilities. I thought of one of my favorite quotes in the bible, Matthew 25, when Matthew describes the importance of being of service to others: "Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?" Jesus replied, "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."
All this time, I was helping Jesus and didn't even realize it. I knew I was trying to live a good life, but it was not until now that I made the connection. He's been around me the whole time, guiding me - allowing me to follow in his path without saying a word. God, my guardian angels and Mary helped lead me to that wonderful conclusion. So on those days when the bank account is low and we're just barely getting by on $10 a day before payday, I have to realize that it's all for a higher purpose. I've always seen the world in a vastly different way than others and tried to see the good in everyone even when it's not always worked out in my favor. But you can't stop trying to do your best, to help people, to be compassionate. That's what my friend Jesus has taught me. I know he's standing behind me as I write this and I'm not afraid. He has loved me unconditionally all this time. It's taken me forty years, Jesus, to realize this, but I'm so glad we're back together again.